Sunday, 27 June 2010
My Blogging experience
I enjoy the blogs, the blog that I really most like was the blog of the football and I don´t liked very much the blog of technology but all the blogs have an importance because I’m practicing the English, so this experience for me has been very nice and productive.
I think that the blogs have a lot of advantages for example you write constantly about different topics so you can opine and reflect about all topics, and you can see the other post of your classmates and comments these. The blog has advantages because you can post your reality and your vision.
I’m really satisfied with the job in my all blogs and I’m sad because finished the English classes I love this class and I will miss the classes, the teacher and my classmates .Probably in the future I will write more in my blog because I love it.
This blog is very singular because this is the last blog and I’m satisfied because I always write with much emotion, the blog for me is a new media and is a tool to we could communicated with all people, so I’m happy to participate in this world, the blogger world.
I hope that you enjoy my blog and the post, I’m really happy because you can read my posts and you comment my posts. This blog is so important for me because with my blog I tell you about my life and you can see a little bit of my life.

It’s the most important element of the innovation; it’s in line with the advances of the modern times to optimize the life in any activity that the people does, such as medicine, transportation, government, industry, etc. today the technology is considered for the governments around the world as a key element to economic development, but the technology has a problem because this is not accessible for to all people because there are technologies that are very expensive. I use the technology for example when I use my notebook or when I listen music in the bus or subway with my iPod, so I use the technologies in my daily routine because I use these objects in my day to day.
I can´t imagine the life without the technology, because the technology is in anywhere and this is very important to the advances in the medicine and this is very important to the human development, so I am convinced that technology is necessary for the human evolution.
I hope the technology continues with its evolution, so that it could be cheaper than today, of this way all people in all countries across the world could use it, as new communication method like internet.
Thursday, 17 June 2010

The football is a universal game, I’d like the football since I was a child and I practice it. I’m very excited due to the current South Africa 2010 World Cup, additionally to this, I’m very proud because Chile is having an outstanding participation on it. My favorite football team is Colo-C olo, this is one of the biggest football team winner of Chile, this is the only Chilean Football team that won the Latin America “Copa Liberatadores” cup. My preferred player is Jorge Valdivia, he played in Colo-Colo in one of the best championships (2006), when Colo-Colo was Chilean Champion and finalist of the “Sudamerica” Cup, currently he is playing an important role in the South Africa 2010 World Cup, because he is a very talented player.When I lived in Brasil in the 2007 Jorge Valdivia was playing in the “palmeiras” a team of Sao Paulo, and I saw the matches at the stadium with my brothers and my father.
There is an amazing commercial industry behind the football, because the companies sell a lot of products related to this sport, for example; when the brands used highlighted players to make their marketing campaigns (Cristiano Ronaldo, Lio Messi, etc.). That phenomenon is happening also with Chilean Players, because they are reaching a high level of competition across the wolrd, for example; Alexis Sanchez, Humberto Suazo, Arturo Vidal and other.
I hope that we do very well in this cup and Chile is one of the surprises in South Africa 2010 world cup.
Bye and see you !
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
My favourite Movie

I like a lot of movies but my favourite movie is “Back to the Future” starring for the act Michael J. Fox interpreting Marty Mc Fly. It movie has three versions “Back to the future I” “Back to the Future II” and “Back to the Future III”, I like this movie because is very nice imagine the future or the past.
The history with Marty Mc fly begin in the past and finish in the future because one problem in the past that changed all the future. His great friend “Doc” is the creator of the flying machine that takes the future.
This Movie is very crazy and very funny, after you watch the movie you want to travel to the future! This movie is to watch with your family!
I hope you can watch this movie and you enjoy the movie like me enjoy this!
Bye and if you like this movie you can post me!
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Martin Luther King Jr.

I Like Martin Luther King’s life because he fought day-to-day for the Afro-Americans Human Rights; it was recognised by the entire world wide. Up to date he is the most recognised leader against the racism in the world.This granted to deserve a Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. This happened during a major period of the racism in
The life of Martin Luther King Jr. was very complicated; therefore it was key so he began his fight for the equality between black and white men.
Martin Luther King Jr. was born in 1929 and He was assassinated in 1968 by a racist group.
Martin Luther King Jr. is an example for my life, since I followed his learnings during all my life’s steps; I always try to imitate his spirit related to the human right fight.
I also transfer his thoughts to develop others with his teachings, since this make the difference to be a person with or without valuable principles.
I hope that with you can meditate about the importance of the great notable people of the humanity’s history that fought for the human right of the all people.
Bye and remember " I Have a Dream".
Tuesday, 4 May 2010

My favorite band is Bob Marley and the wailers the icon Jamaican the reggae in the world They could transform the music to love.
I love the Chilean music too like joe vasconcellos, juana fé, américo.
My last show was wonderful It was in the "club hipico" of Chile and played "Los Fabulosos Cadillacs", "Chiko trujillo" and "Los Tres" .
When I first started listening to the music I like now I was 11 years old because my parents loved the music of Joe Vasconcellos.
I love the music because is the door to other world where your mind is free and you feel a special sensation in your heart.
Music is other dimension is a escape to the problems in your life and I don't know what to do without music.
I hope to see the people enjoying with all the music in the world and I hope to know your favourite music.
Bye and Love
Bless !
Monday, 3 May 2010
I don't know how I can tell you this but is a sensation that the world will end. Now we enjoy the goods times with my family because we are well and in peace.
I'm very sad for the people who were affected by the earthquake I knew the affected areas and It's horrible.
Good luck to the people who suffered with in the earthquake.
Good lucky, bye
See you !!!